Rebalance Retreat (English spoken)

€ 995,00

Would you love to reach a balance between everything you feel you have to do and all you wish to do? Would you like to live in a harmoniously rhythm with your body, heart and soul? Do you know what it is your heart is longing for? Come and join me on a magical journey into your own inner world. There you can find the answers you are looking for. Together with a maximum of 6 women we will dive into our light and shadows. We will dive even deeper into our deepest depths of our being, our subconsiousness. There we will go on a treasure hunt. In search of our true nature. Our soul purpose.

To get into these enchanted realms we will use several techniques, excercises and ceremonies. Like breathwork, re-birthing, mindfulness, meditation, visualisation, yoga, sharing, inquiry, fire ceremonies, shadow work, ecstatic dance, the four directions, hiking and being in tune with Mother Nature.

This 5 day retreat is all-inclusive. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are vegetarian. There will be fruit and nuts all day long available, as well as water and herbal tea. We will be eating and drinking healthily to cleanse our body and start a healthy lifestyle that enables us live a balanced and wonderful life.

You will sleep in my Ger / Yurt. If you prefer you can sleep in the brand new apartment near my Ger.



Day 1

  9.30 uur welcome with drinks and healthy cakes

11.00 uur opening circle

12.30 uur lunch

14.00 uur mindful hike in the forest

17.00 uur integration, debriefing of the hike with herbal tea and fruit

18.00 uur meditation

19.00 uur dinner

21.00 uur sharing

22.00 uur closing circle of the first day


Day 2:

8.00 uur opening circle and yoga

9.30 uur breakfast and me-time

11.00 uur shadow work

12.30 uur lunch

14.00 uur meditation and moodboard creation

17.00 uur short hike

19.00 uur dinner

21.00 uur sharing and excercise on releasing our stream of thoughts

22.00 uur closing circle of the second day


Day 3:

8.00 uur morning hike

9.30 uur breakfast and me-time

11.00 uur breathwork session

12.30 uur lunch

14.00 uur group session on psychological excercises on Burn out

16.00 uur me-time for integration or individual session with Sas

18.00 uur guided visualisation with shamanic drumming

19.00 uur dinner

21.00 uur sharing and meditation to improve your sleep

22.00 uur closing circle of the third day


Day 4:

8.00 uur opening circle and yoga

9.30 uur breakfast and me-time

11.00 uur Inquiry 'Who am I'

12.30 uur lunch

14.00 uur Inquiry 'Who am I'

16.00 uur integration and debreifing of inquiry

17.00 uur short hike

18.30 uur dinner

20.00 uur ecstatic dance

21.30 uur sharing

22.15 uur closing circle of the fourth day


Day 5:

8.00 uur morning hike

9.30 uur breakfast and me-time

11.00 uur group session: integration time

12.30 uur guided meditation to set our intentions with fire ceremony

14.00 uur integration and debriefing of the retreat with a High Tea

16.00 uur closing circle of the retreat